Thursday, August 10, 2023

Virtual Session, 9-10am PT

In this workshop, participants will learn a core concept of polyvagal theory and Ignatian principles for encountering God. Through trauma-informed practice and meditation, participants will explore how their nervous system shapes their view of God. Embodied strategies for connecting with a safe and loving God through our nervous system will be demonstrated and explored.

Your Guide

Instructor Tracy Busse

Tracy Busse’s life and work have fueled an ongoing desire to move in harmony with the Trinity and to create spaces where all can encounter intimacy with God. Tracy is a writer, teacher, counselor, and spiritual director. For over eighteen years, she has provided therapy to children and adult survivors of trauma and human trafficking. She also provides consultation and training to a variety of organizations who serve leaders and marginalized populations. Continued growth in Kingdom life and integrating God’s love and presence into her work are the heart of her practice. In addition, Tracy is currently working on a doctorate in Spiritual Direction at Fuller Theological Seminary, which offered the opportunity to enjoy a 30-day Ignatian Retreat. The fruit of this experience continues to grow and reveal greater depths of God’s love and abundant grace. With the belief that God is in all things, Tracy finds delight on her paddleboard, hiking, playing the guitar, painting, traveling, and resting in the company of fellow image-bearers.