Supervision Training
for Spiritual Directors

Spiritual Direction Supervision is such an essential component of living out a call as a spiritual director. Our Supervision Training Program forms and informs experienced spiritual directors to host a contemplative and compassionate space for current directors and those training to follow their call in this ministry. We focus on a reflective listening model that allows both the supervisor and the director to listen deeply into the movements of noticing, reflecting, and listening together. This expands our freedom as listeners as we begin to hold an even more spacious place for others.

We are forming a cohort of experienced directors who feel called to serve as supervisors and/or spiritual direction educators. This collaborative educational space is designed to train and form experienced directors as supervisors in a praxis-oriented community.

Who Should Apply?

If you are an experienced spiritual director with a love for this work, consider this program as a next step. As supervisors, we continue to move toward these qualities:

  • Remembering What it Was Like to Be a Beginner

  • Listening with Compassion

  • Encouraging Spiritual Directors in their Work

  • Maintaining Appropriate Boundaries

  • Following Established Ethical Guidelines

  • Leaning in With a Sense of Wonder, Curiosity, and Humor

  • Valuing Personal Continuing Education and Ongoing Spiritual Growth.


The Cohort will run August 11, 2023, through June 8, 2024. The cost of the full year is $2390 (payment options are available). This includes all intensives, class sessions, and all supervision sessions with your assigned supervision mentor, as listed below:

  • Opening Two-Day Virtual Intensive
    August 11 & 12, 2023; 9am-3pm PT

  • Four 90-min. Virtual Sessions
    Tuesdays, Sept. 12, Nov, 14, March 5, and April 9; 1:30pm-3pm PT

  • Mid-Year 4-hour Virtual Intensive
    January 9, 2024; 1-5pm PT

  • Six Individual & Two Group Supervision Sessions
    (Individual sessions to be scheduled with your assigned supervision mentor)

  • Closing Two-Day Virtual Intensive
    June 7-8, 2024; 9am-3pm PT

Topics Covered

  • Boundary Ethics of Spiritual Direction

  • Difference between Spiritual Direction & Supervision

  • Contemplative Listening & Evocative Questions

  • Group Direction & Supervision Models

  • Protocols of Virtual Direction & Supervision

  • Exploring Issues that Come Up in Supervision

  • Forming a Community of Practice

  • Cross-Cultural & Traditions

What Can You Expect?

You will need to fulfill the following to receive a certificate of completion, in addition to your intensives & class sessions:

  • All assigned reading, podcasts, and videos.

  • Meet with at least 2 supervisees over the course of the year - minimum of 15 total sessions.

  • Meet individually each month with your assigned Supervision Mentor - for a minimum of 7 individual sessions in and participate in 3 group sessions during our scheduled class times.

  • Write a reflective article around your supervision experience during the training program that contributes to the knowledge base of spiritual direction and supervision. (This article will be posted in the Companioning Community resources with your permission.)

  • Write an informational document to share with supervisees that communicates your philosophy of spiritual direction, supervision, ethics, boundaries, and approach.

  • Continue meeting monthly with current director and
    supervisor as needed.

Entrance Requirements

  • 3-5 years of Spiritual Direction Experience

  • Certificate of Completion From a Spiritual Direction Program

  • Commitment to Receiving Ongoing Spiritual Direction/Supervision

  • Recommendation From Current Spiritual Director & Supervisor

  • Interview

Your Guides

Instructor Terry Christenson

Terry has offered spiritual direction, retreats, and classes in contemplative practices and spiritual growth since 2002. She has been a supervisor of spiritual directors since 2008 as well as working with several schools of spiritual direction formation programs to supervise new directors. Terry received her spiritual direction training at the Benedictine Shalom Center in Mt. Angel, OR, earned ministry certification through the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon and completed her supervision training through Together in the Mystery, where she is also currently on staff as a trainer of new supervisors. She has been married for over 40 years, has grown children and grandchildren. She makes her home in Roseburg, Oregon.

Instructor Lynn Holt

Lynn Holt is an experienced educator in the formation of spiritual directors and those who offer soul companionship. She has trained and supervised spiritual directors through Portland Seminary in an online/hybrid format for the past 7 years. Her vocation as a soul companion includes serving as a spiritual director and supervisor for 23 years, 18 years of pastoral ministry, and teaching theological, leadership, and spiritual formation courses. Lynn is a Quaker and holds an M.Div from Portland Seminary and received her spiritual direction training from the Mercy Center of Colorado Springs and supervision training from the Mercy Center in Burlingame.  Lynn is gifted in preparing and supporting soul companions whose faithful response in these challenging times invites generous listening and a compassionate heart for the sake of the world. Her ministry is grounded in a contemplative posture of holy listening, surrendering to the Mystery with a sense of awe and curiosity, and the dynamic relationship of God's Presence.

Instructor Kathi Gatlin

Kathi Gatlin founded Boldly Loved and co-founded the Companioning Center to bring together her two greatest passions: spiritual formation and teaching. In this, she utilizes her DMin. in Leadership and Spiritual Formation from Portland Seminary and her M.Ed. earned through George Fox University. Her greatest joy is walking alongside others, individually and in groups, in their own spiritual journey, sharing ways of understanding God anew through contemplative prayer and teaching, and to see them grow in the depth of their own understanding of who God is and who they are in relationship with God. Kathi is a spiritual director, supervisor, writer, spiritual formation group facilitator, retreat speaker, and leadership mentor. For more information about Kathi, check out