September 3-24, 2023

Four Weekly Virtual Sessions
Sundays, 4-5:30pm PT

With all the things that take up space in our busy lives, how do we live as the people we are called and designed to be? Taking time to discern what we actually want out of life, especially a life lived faithfully with God, ourselves, and others takes quiet and space to listen deeply. This isn't about starting another to-do list but an invitation to practice listening with our whole selves and design a guiding framework so we can live out of our core values, deepest desires, and sacred calling.

Join us as we embark on a conversation to create a framework that supports faithfulness, health, healing, and wholeness.

Your Guide

Instructor Alyssa Bell

Alyssa Bell is a Pastor, Teacher and Spiritual Director who loves walking alongside people as they encounter the radical grace of God’s love. Alyssa and her husband Matthew have two delightful daughters, Theresa and Susie, and an energetic golden retriever named Abby. She completed her Doctor of Ministry degree in Leadership and Spiritual Formation in 2021 and has a heart for mothers who minister, either in a church setting or elsewhere. For fun Alyssa enjoys walking, making music, reading mystery novels, and completing puzzles.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Creating a Rhythm of Life

    2. Welcome Video

    3. Session One Assignment

    4. Crafting Rule of Life Handout

    5. Balance on the Journey Handout

    6. Zoom Session - Feb. 23, 4:30-6pm PT

    1. Session Two Assignment

    2. Values Clarification Exercise

    3. Basic Values Questionnaire

    4. How Stressed are You?

    5. Burnout Survey

    6. Zoom Session - March 9, 4:30-6pm PT

    7. Zoom Recording - 9/14

    1. Session Three Assignment

    2. Free Will - Now You Have It, Now You Don't

    3. Change or Die

    4. Emotional Competence Framework

    5. Zoom Session - March 16, 4:30-6pm PT

    6. Zoom Session #3 - 3/16

    1. Session Four Assignment

    2. Alyssa's Rhythm of Life

    3. Collage Style

    4. Your Rhythm of Life

    5. Zoom Session - March 23, 4:30-6pm PT

    1. To Stay in Touch with Alyssa

    2. Other Opportunities with the Companioning Center!

    3. Would you mind taking a moment and letting us know your thoughts? Thank you!

About this course

  • $175.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content