October 21 - 23, 2022

Hosted at Tilikum Retreat Center
in Newberg, Oregon

This retreat offers soul companions an opportunity to step aside and engage in a soul-mending process that involves group conversation, community and individual practice, and periods of quiet reflection. The goal of this season apart is that we may each re-enter daily life with renewed strength and balance as we continue walking alongside others. Together.

Together we will create a hospitable space for rest and renewal; a beautiful oasis for community and belonging.

Jesus said to them, ‘Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.’ For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat (The Gospel According to Mark, 6.31).

The Retreat is hosted at Tilikum Retreat Center and the cost includes:

  • A guided retreat inviting engagement in beauty and spiritual practice.
  • A private room for 2 nights. <br>(if you choose to share a room with another - please connect with us at [email protected]. Same retreat fee will apply for single or double occupancy).
  • All meals from Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast. <br>(Please let us know of diet restrictions.)
  • You may arrive at 4 pm PT on Friday and we need to depart from the Center by 11 am on Sunday. 
  • Come prepared to rest and enjoy spacious time with community alongside other soul companions.
  • Includes an art project to use in your spiritual direction space. Supplies are included in the retreat fee. See image below for sample of art experience by Janet Savage.
  • Optional: Spiritual Direction session available for an additional $35. 

Fee includes a nonrefundable $250 deposit. 

Your Guide

Instructor Jeff Savage

Jeff Savage is a spiritual director, retreat guide, and couples facilitator shaped by over 30 years of pastoral ministry and contemplative practice. He has also served as a spiritual director and faculty advisor for Portland Seminary. Jeff and his wife, Janet, offer retreat space for reflection, rest, and renewal at their home above the McKenzie River at Vida, Oregon. In each expression of his calling, Jeff finds abundant joy in holding space for folks to pay attention to their life in God. The values that center him in his vocation include hopeful trust, hospitality, attentiveness, and integrity. Jeff finds balance in tending garden, photography, wandering, and being Pop Pop to four grandchildren (photos supplied on request). For more about Jeff visit his site at sacredspacevida.com.

Instructor Janet Savage

Janet looks forward to sharing her creativity, both as a musician and artist. She received her BA in music performance at Metropolitan State University in Denver, and Certification as a Music Practitioner from the Music for Healing and Transition Program. Janet is also new to Glass and Resin art. After the wildfire destroyed their home, she discovered a healing way to repurpose molten glass into pieces of art. The process introduced a whole world of possibilities and she has found a new level of joy in her life. She is so excited to share this with participants!