May 2 - June 20, 2023

Eight Virtual Sessions
Tuesdays, 9-10:30am PT

Interest in the Enneagram has sky-rocketed in recent years. This 8-week online, interactive course is geared towards those who desire to dive deep into the process of integration, healing the shame that blocks us from the Imago Dei, the image of God within. This process of integration is crucial for everyone, but especially those who accompany others on their path towards wholeness in Christ. We will explore shame, our layers of self, and the integration process through the lens of the Enneagram, with ample opportunity for practical application.

Additional Requirements and Resources

  • Have completed Experience Integration Healing with Katie Skurja

  • Have a working knowledge of the Enneagram and familiarity with all types through classes or self-directed study. Having read either ;"The Wisdom of the Enneagram" (Riso & Hudson) "The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective" (Rohr) or "The Complete Enneagram" (Chestnut).

  • Taken an online Enneagram test through the Enneagram Institute ($12. Not included in course fee)

  • Have a set of Imago Dei Ministries' Reflection Cards. Information included below.

  • Have the primary text used in the class, "The Wisdom of the Enneagram" (Riso & Hudson.).

Haven't yet taken Experience Integration Healing?

Reflection Cards

Imago Dei Ministries

These Reflection Cards are required for this course. You can order them from Imago Dei Ministries for $36 (incl. shipping in the US). Check out Imago Dei Ministries website for more information.
Imago Dei Reflection Card Image

Your Guide

Instructor Katie Skurja

Catherine “Katie” Skurja is the founder and director of Imago Dei Ministries. Deeply rooted in and dedicated to Trinitarian principles, the ministry’s purpose is to help people everywhere engage in a Christ-centered healing process that transforms relationships with God, self, and others. Her greatest passion is to accompany people in the journey of discovering who they are in their Imago Dei (image of God). With training as a counselor, spiritual director, and in the work of inner healing prayer, Katie combines the three disciplines to help guide people through the layers of false self and shame in order to bring about the integration of the whole person. Katie and Jim have been married for 33 years and have two grown sons as well as a few “adopted” daughters with whom they share life. She loves to garden, hike, walk on the beach, cook, and read. For more information on her work, check out Imago Dei Ministries.

Course curriculum

    1. A message from the instructor

    2. How to use this course

    3. Pre-Class Assignment: Take Enneagram Test

    4. Pre- Class Activity: Class Introductions

    5. Class Intro Activity: Enneagram Cartoons and At-A-Glance Overview

    6. Syllabus- Shame, Integration, and the Enneagram - Spring 2023

    1. Week One Assignments

    2. Zoom Chat | Tuesday 5/2/2023 | 9-10:30am PT - passcode 513260

    3. Reading | Jesus and the Enneagram

    4. Overview of Types | Video Recording

    5. Activity | Reflection Time

    6. Week One | Recordings: Video

    7. Week One | PowerPoint

    8. Week One Assignment | One Thing I Learned ~ One Question I Have

    9. Handout | Quest Test- RHTI

    10. Supplemental Readings | Overviews of the Types by Various Authors

    1. Week Two: Assignments

    2. Zoom Chat | Tuesday 5/9/2023 | 9-10:30am PT -- passcode 513260

    3. Reading | Overview of Highest Three Types

    4. Activity | Reflection Time - Lowest Types

    5. Week Two | PowerPoint

    6. Week Two | Recordings: Video and Audio

    7. Charting the Positive and Negative of Primary Types and Journaling Questions

    8. Welcoming Prayer

    9. Week Two Assignment | One Thing I Learned ~ One Question I Have

    1. Week Three: Assignments

    2. Zoom Chat | Tuesday 5/16/2023 | 9-10:30am PT -- passcode 513260

    3. Activity | Journal Time- Charting your Layers

    4. Activity | Reflection Time

    5. Week Three | PowerPoint

    6. Supplemental Activity | Audio Presentation

    7. Week Three Assignment | One Thing I Learned ~ One Question I Have

    8. Week Three | Recording: Video

    9. Neutralizing Judgments Chart and Journaling Questions - Part Two

    1. Zoom Chat | Tuesday 5/23/2023 | 9-10:30am PT -- passcode 513260

    2. Week Four Assignment | One Thing I Learned ~ One Question I Have

    3. Rohr Talk on Something You Know By Dying

    4. Activity | Journal Time

    5. Activity | Reflection Time

    6. Week Four | Recordings: Video

    7. Week Four Assignment | One Thing I Learned ~ One Question I Have

    8. Handout | Getting Above the Wall: Bringing Together Fractured Parts

    1. Week 5: Assignments

    2. Zoom Chat | Tuesday 5/30/2023 | 9-10:30am PT -- passcode 513260

    3. Activity | Reading: Drama Triangle

    4. Activity | Welcoming Prayer Revisited

    5. Week Five Assignment | One Thing I Learned ~ One Question I Have

    6. Week Five | Recordings: Video and Audio

    7. Levels of Spirituality_Part 1_Richard Rohr

    8. Meditation: Love After Love

    9. Reflection Activity | Never Would I Ever

About this course

  • $329.00
  • 75 lessons
  • 12.5 hours of video content