May 3 - June 21, 2023

Eight Virtual Sessions
Wednesdays, 5pm-6:30pm PT

Have you ever had the experience of working with someone who seems so stuck that nothing seems to breakthrough?

Oftentimes, what hinders forward movement in a conversation, whether it be with a directee, client, friend, etc., is the presence of shame. There are many problems with shame... one of which is that you cannot talk someone out of it. In the lives of people, shame is the most powerful force...apart from grace. During the inner healing process, shame can be dismantled so that an experience of grace can emerge.

Katie Skurja will host the conversation to explore the use of Inner Healing in various forms of companioning. The course will include some practical and experiential aspects, so that participants can gain confidence in their use of Inner Healing.

Please note, there is a prerequisite in taking Experience Integration Healing - A 4.5hr Inner Healing experience with Katie Skurja.

Required Resources

Paradox Lost: Uncovering Your True Identity in Christ.
Reflection Cards
Order below from Imago Dei Ministries. $45 (includes shipping in the US).
Check out the Imago Dei Ministries' site for more information.
Imago Dei Reflection Card Image

Your Guides

Instructor Katie Skurja

Catherine “Katie” Skurja is the founder and director of Imago Dei Ministries. Deeply rooted in and dedicated to Trinitarian principles, the ministry’s purpose is to help people everywhere engage in a Christ-centered healing process that transforms relationships with God, self, and others. Her greatest passion is to accompany people in the journey of discovering who they are in their Imago Dei (image of God). With training as a counselor, spiritual director, and in the work of inner healing prayer, Katie combines the three disciplines to help guide people through the layers of false self and shame in order to bring about the integration of the whole person. Katie and Jim have been married for 33 years and have two grown sons as well as a few “adopted” daughters with whom they share life. She loves to garden, hike, walk on the beach, cook, and read. For more information on her work, check out Imago Dei Ministries.

Instructor Margie Mach

Margie Mach has been a part of Imago Dei Ministries for almost five years, and is a spiritual director. She values holding space for deep listening and discovery, and is learning to embrace a more contemplative way of life. Margie spent 20+ years in church leadership and directing corporate teams in creating innovative strategies and products. She has a knack for asking questions from a variety of perspectives. The challenges of her own journey have given her a heart for those hungry for something more. 

Course Curriculum

    1. A message from Katie

    2. How to use this course

    3. Card Activity | Introductions

    4. Course Syllabus | Subject to change as we move along

    5. Introductory Video | Inner Healing - Getting God's Perspective

    6. Pre Class Work | True Identity: Self as an M&M

    7. Pre Class Work | Chapters 1 & 2, Paradox Lost

    1. Zoom Chat | 5/3/23; Wednesday at 5-6:30pm PT _ Passcode: 134368

    2. Week One Assignments -- Overview

    3. Week One Assignment | One Thing I Learned ~ One Question I Have

    4. Video Recording and Power Point Slides

    5. Handout | Layers of Self M&M

    6. Handout | Two Triangles: Right-side Up & Upside- down

    7. Additional Resource | Living Upside Down - Prodigal Son Exercise

    8. Homework | Chapters 1 - 3, Paradox Lost

    1. Pre-Class Card Activity | Father, Son, Holy Spirit and You

    2. Week Two Assignments -- Overview

    3. Zoom Chat | 5/10/23; Wednesday at 5-6:30pm PT __ Passcode: 134368

    4. Week Two Assignment | One Thing I Learned ~ One Question I Have

    5. Week Two | Video and Audio Recordings

    6. Prayer Demonstration | Davina

    7. Prayer Demo_Astrid

    8. Handout | The Welcoming Prayer

    9. Homework / Handout | Drama Triangle

    10. Homework | Original Shame

    11. Homework | Brad Jersak - The Gospel in Chairs

    12. Handout | Imbach's Wager, Brad Jersak with Stephen Imbach

    13. Homework | Integration Healing Goals & Assumptions AND Step by Step Prayer

    14. Handout | Asking Questions

    15. Handout | Oneness vs Separation Light vs. Hierarchy

    16. YouTube | What is Life? Interview with Iain McGilchrist

    17. Optional Homework for Week Two | Brad Jersak on Atonement

    18. Creation of the Quadrants

    1. Pre-class Card Activity | Good, Bad and Ugly

    2. Zoom Chat | 5/17/23; Wednesday at 5-6:30pm PT__ Passcode: 134368

    3. Week Three Assignments -- Overview

    4. Week Three Assignment | One Thing I Learned ~ One Question I Have

    5. Week Three | Video and Audio Recordings

    6. Handouts | Paradox Prayers

    7. YouTube | Let the Children Teach

    8. Handouts | Case Studies

    9. Prayer Demonstration | Craig

    10. Handout | Oneness vs. Separation Illustrations

    11. Assignment | Inner Healing Assignment

    12. Homework | First Guinea Pig

    13. Prayer Demo_Gabe

    14. Prayer Demo_Sasha

    15. Quadrants Sheet

    16. CRF - Contemplative Reflection Form, Integration Healing One

    1. Zoom Chat | 5/24/23; Wednesday at 5-6:30pm PT

    2. Week Four Assignments -- Overview

    3. Week Four Assignment | One Thing I Learned ~ One Question I Have

    4. Week Four | Video and Audio Recordings

    5. Prayer Demo_Cassandra

    6. Activity | Identifying Shame Word Lists

    7. Contemplative Reflection Forms (CRF) to Preview before Class

    8. Reading | Chapters 5 & 6 - Tree of Shame / Stuck in Drama (Paradox Lost)

    9. Homework | Inner Healing Assignment

    10. Prayer Demonstration | Allison

    11. Prayer Demonstration | Esther

    12. Case Study | Jenna Part 1 & 2

    13. Babies Hearing for the First Time

    1. Week Five Assignments -- Overview

    2. Pre-class Card Activity | Self with Another

    3. Zoom Chat | 5/31/23; Wednesday at 5-6:30pm PT

    4. Week Five Assignment | One Thing I Learned ~ One Question I Have

    5. Week Five | Video and Audio Recording

    6. Contemplative Reflection Forms (CRF) to Preview before Class

    7. Different Kinds of Mushrooms | Guide to Discernment

    8. Reading | Chapter 7 - Split Self (Paradox Lost)

    9. Prayer Demonstration | Eva

    10. Prayer Demonstration | Ellyn

    11. Becky Sharing Good, Bad, Ugly, and the Beauty of Her Son

    12. Poem | The Healing Time (Finally on My Way to Yes)

    13. Contemplative Reflection Forms (CRF) to Preview before Class

    14. Handouts | Goals and Assumptions

About this course

  • $329.00
  • 113 lessons
  • 24 hours of video content

What People Are Saying...

5 star rating

I'm learning so much and looking forward to Level 2..

Trish Ritchings

4 star rating

Reading of the healing and forgiveness of the man lowered...

Jeannette Vandervalk

Sins forgiven or healing are neither one more difficult nor more relevant than the other

Sins forgiven or healing are neither one more difficult nor more relevant than the other

Read Less