July 11 - August 1, 2023

Four-Week Intensive Online Course
Two Sections Available:

Tuesdays, 9-10:30am PT
Tuesdays, 5-6:30pm PT

The inner world is intangible, hard to grasp, and difficult to put into words. Carl Jung said the soul only understands at the symbolic level. Using imagery can help access deeply held beliefs, feelings, and unconscious desires. Imagery and metaphor are the language of the soul and help bring understanding and healing to all our relationships. This 4-week online, interactive course introduces concepts and the process of using imagery to explore our various relationships: with self, others, creation, and God. Through practical application, participants will gain confidence in the use of imagery in their life and work.

Register before June 20, 2023 using code CountMeIn to receive the early bird price of $185

The potential application for the use of imagery is only limited to the imagination. Some possible uses are:

Though it is easy to imagine how imagery is useful in any type of work with children, it is just as effective with adults. Nothing gets strangers talking amongst themselves faster than putting a set of cards in the middle of them and ask them to share about themselves. One woman shared how she used them with men in a maximum-security prison and was amazed at how they opened up emotionally.

  • Ice breakers for group meetings (What is one thing you would like to share about yourself?).

  • Personal exploration through journaling (What has me tangled up in knots?).

  • Working with people in various forms of companioning: counseling, coaching, spiritual direction, chaplaincy, etc.

  • Teaching – story telling, writing prompts, brainstorming.

  • Group dynamics – exploring concepts, questions, difficult work situations.

  • Processing grief, shame, trauma.

  • Family-of-origin (FOO) Dynamics.

  • Investigating images of God and spiritual beliefs.

  • Exploring internal parts work (Internal Family Systems, Integration Healing, etc.)

  • Parent-Child relationships – help with communication when words get in the way.

Reflection Cards

Imago Dei Ministries

These Reflection Cards are required for this course. You can order them from Imago Dei Ministries for $36 (incl. shipping in the US). Check out Imago Dei Ministries website for more information.
Imago Dei Reflection Card Image

Some of the health benefits to using imagery include:

A Helpful Article For More Information

  • Manage anxiety, stress, and depression.

  • Help reduce pain.

  • Lower blood pressure.

  • Lessen nausea.

  • Give a better sense of control and well-being.

Your Guide

Instructor Katie Skurja

Catherine “Katie” Skurja is the founder and director of Imago Dei Ministries. Deeply rooted in and dedicated to Trinitarian principles, the ministry’s purpose is to help people everywhere engage in a Christ-centered healing process that transforms relationships with God, self, and others. Her greatest passion is to accompany people in the journey of discovering who they are in their Imago Dei (image of God). With training as a counselor, spiritual director, and in the work of inner healing prayer, Katie combines the three disciplines to help guide people through the layers of false self and shame in order to bring about the integration of the whole person. Katie and Jim have been married for 33 years and have two grown sons as well as a few “adopted” daughters with whom they share life. She loves to garden, hike, walk on the beach, cook, and read. For more information on her work, check out Imago Dei Ministries.