Sept 12 - Dec 5th, 2022

Mondays, 1-3pm PT
Virtual via Zoom

Have you ever wondered how you could know for certain that God loved you? Being Boldly Loved and Loving Boldly is a series of classes in spiritual formation formed to invite you deeper in your relationship with God. They each are a contemplative study that provides space to experience God from an understanding of love rather than judgment.

As I (Kathi) have spoken with people, many have expressed a growing desire to know God more intimately; primarily knowledge-based faith doesn’t seem to suffice any longer. Several people have shared that their questions continue to go unanswered. My desire to create and offer this study came from my own journey, which seems to resonate with others. Our image of God defines our actions, beliefs, spiritual life, and in that impacts those around us.

Groups are limited to 6-8 participants to create a close community for sharing and growing deeper in our individual relationships with God. The studies build upon each other and need to be taken in order.

This first 12-week study begins the journey - Experiencing God: Creating Space through Contemplative Prayer, as we begin to understand how the world and Scripture shape our view of God. Combining that part of discovery with contemplative prayer allows God to open us to a deeper understanding of ourselves, God, and others.

To learn more, join Kathi for an informational session.

Monday, Aug 29, 2022
1-2pm PT

Your Guide

Instructor Kathi Gatlin

Kathi Gatlin founded Boldly Loved and co-founded the Companioning Center to bring together her two greatest passions: spiritual formation and teaching. In this, she utilizes her DMin. in Leadership and Spiritual Formation from Portland Seminary and her M.Ed. earned through George Fox University. Her greatest joy is walking alongside others, individually and in groups, in their own spiritual journey, sharing ways of understanding God anew through contemplative prayer and teaching, and to see them grow in the depth of their own understanding of who God is and who they are in relationship with God. Kathi is a spiritual director, supervisor, writer, spiritual formation group facilitator, retreat speaker, and leadership mentor. For more information about Kathi, check out

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Experiencing God Study!

    2. How to use this course site

    3. Experiencing God Study Trinity Icon

    4. Experiencing God Study - Appendix and Bibliography

    1. Experiencing God Study - Introduction

    2. Zoom Session | Monday, Sept 12 at 1-3pm PT

    1. Experiencing God Study - Lesson One

    2. Zoom Session | Monday, Sept 19 at 1-3pm PT

    1. Experiencing God Study - Lesson Two

    2. Zoom Session | Monday, Sept 26 at 1-3pm PT

    1. Experiencing God Study - Lesson Three

    2. Zoom Session | Monday, Oct 3 at 1-3pm PT

    1. Experiencing God Study - Lesson Four

    2. Zoom Session | Monday, Oct 10 at 1-3pm PT

About this course

  • $439.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Social proof: testimonials


"The prayer and time spent in this study moved me profoundly at the core of my being. I highly recommend this experience for anyone ready to move from head into heart!"


"As a lifelong Christian, I was very comfortable in my fundamental Christian belief system until tragedy hit. Then my view and understanding of God did not work for me anymore. I struggled for eleven years until I participated in this study, where I experienced God’s love and relationship in a true and authentic way."


"I sought out the Boldly Loved Spiritual Formation class because of the many unanswered questions I was wrestling with. These came largely from the culmination of life experiences and reading the Bible from cover to cover. I found my beliefs about God didn't match up with my experience of God. I was struggling to make sense of it all. I have deeply valued the solid theology behind this study. I so needed this opportunity to ask my questions in a safe place and find a deeper, wider understanding of God's abiding love and grace for myself and the world."


"This course offers one the opportunity to open their heart and mind to truly see God's deep love for them. It is a time of transformation and healing for the one taking the course if that is what they truly desire."