Embodied Spirituality:
Moving Our Body

Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2023

Virtual via Zoom
12 - 2:30pm PT

Why is the word embodiment so popular today?

How does embodiment relate to your spirituality?

Our culture often tells us to ignore or control our body. Yet our body is our main means of experiencing all of life!

Embodiment can be thought of as a continuum. We are attuned to ourselves on one end and have voice, agency, and knowing. We are living in our authenticity. On the other end, we are disconnected from our body, perhaps even disassociated. We are not living connected to self, others, or the Divine. Often, throughout the day and even moment to moment, we move along this continuum, experiencing all of this.

Embodiment is a practice.

In this 2.5 hour virtual experience, we will explore pre-verbal movement and movement. We’ll briefly discuss Polyvagal Theory and explore inner contradictions. There is a small amount of pre-reading and journaling before we meet. Then together, we’ll enter into the virtual space with a brief discussion before utilizing experiential practices accompanied with space for journaling and sharing. Our time together will conclude with a closing blessing ritual as we honor the space we shared.

Together we’ll create a community space to experience ourselves, the Divine, and others. Bring your curiosity and compassion to continue your journey with embodiment.

Your Guide

Instructor April Brenneman

April Brenneman is a Somatic Spiritual Companion, a Hatha Yoga teacher (200 hour RYT) and an Embodied Spirituality Teacher. She was sent from the two year Living School program for Action and Contemplation in 2020, where she studied Christian Mystics, some Buddhism and the prophetic call to social justice. Her somatic certificates are through The Embody Lab, with ongoing training through the Somatic Experiencing ® (SE™) Trauma Institute.

Her passion is helping others connect with their bodies and discover the Divine within themselves through embodiment practices and somatic meditations. Her own spirituality can be described as Creation Spirituality and Embodied Christic Contemplation. She spent the majority of her adult life raising and nurturing her five children, two of which had major medical complications. She enjoys walking, reading, hiking, the natural world and long dynamic, life-filled conversations with close friends.

What Others Are Saying...

5 star rating

Wonderful Intro

Vanessa Sadler

April did a wonderful job providing a space to encounter divine presence through our felt sense of what it means to occupy a body. The pace was great and th...

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April did a wonderful job providing a space to encounter divine presence through our felt sense of what it means to occupy a body. The pace was great and there was time for reflection and sharing.

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